Grammar & Usage

How's は How is の短縮形。

Couldn't be worse. は It couldn't be worse. の It (状況を表す) が省略されたもの。
会話では、I や it のような、状況から自明な主語が省略されることがあり、TOEICテストのリスニング・セクションでも省略された形が出題されているので注意が必要。

I've just received your e-mail. Just received your e-mail.
I will do that. Will do. (thatも省略)
I don't know. Don't know.
That sounds good. Sounds good.
It couldn't be better. Couldn't be better.

So many applicants for so few vacancies. は There are so many applicants for so few vacancies. の There are が省略されたもの。

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